College Algebra Lecture Series
Hello Internet, and welcome to the Science of Life Lecture Series. This lecture series will focus on College Level Algebra. This is the bulk of the algrbra required for most science, economics, every day life, and every aspect of reality which requires the computation of nimbers. After all, what is grocery shopping and paying taxes but a series of algebraic calculations?
In this lecture series, I'll cover all of the algebra required to succeed in life. I'll be using Intermediate Algebra 5th Edition by Bittinger and Ellenbogen (ISBN: 0-201-84750-7) for those of you who want to follow along.
The following are the chapters I will cover in this lecture series. If the chapter is linked, I've already begun the chapter linked to that chapter.
- Chapter 1: Algebra and Problem Solving
- Chapter 2: Graphs, Functions, and Linear Equations
- Chapter 3: Systems of Equations and Problem Solving
- Chapter 4: Inequalities and Problem Solving
- Chapter 5: Polynomials and Polynomial Functions
- Chapter 6: Rational Functions, Equations, and Functions
- Chapter 7: Exponents and Radicals
- Chapter 8: Quadratic Functions and Equations
- Chapter 9: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
- Chapter 10: Conics Section
- Chapter 11: Sequences, Series, and the Binomial Theorem
Until next time, stay curious.
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To help get this lecture series come out with higher frequency, please donate to The Science of Life. This helps keep the information current and allows me to dedicate more time to this project instead of obtaining money through external means.
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